The first thing you need to do is log into your account page here

If you wish to change the payment method associated with a subscription then:

1. If you have an active subscription:
- Select the Subscriptions link from the top menu.
- Click on the specific subscription id you wish to edit.
- Select the 'Change Payment' button.
- Put the new payment method you wish to associate with this specific subscription.
- After adding the information then click on the 'Change Payment Method' button and 'Go Back'

2. If you do not have an active subscription:
- Select the Subscriptions link from the top menu.
- Click on the specific subscription id you wish to change the payment method for.

- Click the Resubscribe button displayed right below the subscription details. This action will redirect you back to the checkout page where you will basically place a new order and you can fill in any kind of new payment method you wish.