Unlicensed SDK watermark

If you are receiving this error then you have not entered the license key at all.

License Expired

You are using a license key was generated for an older SDK version than the one you are currently using. In this case, you need to update your license key (if you are entitled) or use an older SDK version.

Trial License 

This is because you are using the trial license key you have downloaded from our website. If you wish to remove the trial watermark then you need to purchase a product.

Alert message no license key set and a console log error

This happens when the license key is defined, but you do not call the function. Please see the console log to identify the error.

Unlicensed Feature

This happens when you have purchased an SDK but you are trying to use features that are not supported in this specific product. Please check our pricing page for details regarding which feature each product supports.