You can choose the commercial license that better fits your needs based on the features included, as displayed in the store overview table . A detailed view on the features can be found on here.

If you're working with Unity, please be advised there are two Editions of the SDK, Professional and Expert that have some differences in features. All the other development platform are based on the Professional Edition.

One license entitles you to one app that can be deployed on iOS, Android, and Windows and published in the respective public app stores. You can order directly from our online store.
Unlike the one-time fee licenses, our subscription products include free yearly updates of the SDK and Studio hosting. If you intend to make use of our new features and improvements, planned for release every 2 months, we recommend the subscription license.

Generally, if you have more advanced use cases and intend to automatically integrate with your own CMS, to distribute apps within the enterprise, or you plan to use smart glasses, you need the Enterprise Solution.

If you're still not sure what license fits your use case, reach us via with more details and we'll gladly help.