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The correct way to fit a 3d model to a point cloud (Object Tracking)

Hello, I'm using Unity 2020.3 and Wikitude 9.13 Pro (following the "Object Tracking" examples).
I have taken photographs of a short wall (10m x 1m x 1m) from various angles and uploaded them to the Studio to create a target collection (.wto). I use this in an ObjectTracker and I assign a 3d building model as its drawable.

My concern is how to resize the 3d model to fit the dimensions of the real wall (eg its 10m length) when this wall is tracked.

So far I have found 2 ways:

a. Go to Studio, select the target and then choose "Open in Studio Editor" then Edit the point cloud. I can change the scale value there which in turn changes the w, h, d values.
b. Inside Unity, select the "Trackable" game object and Preview the point cloud. Then I can resize the building model to fit inside the cloud's extremes.

The second way seems easier since I can work inside Unity and don't have to reuse the Studio and redownload .wto files.

But, I'm wondering if there is another better way (maybe automatic?) that could work without having to manually resize the 3d models?
Thank you in advance.

Hey Karastergiou,

we would also choose the seconds approach since editing things in Unity is way quicker and easier. Your idea of using the point cloud as an indicator for the Drawable's size is pretty nice. Just keep in mind that - depending on the quality of the object and the pictures taken - we can't guarantee that the points at the border of the cloud match exactly with the wall's borders. So although this will probably fit fine there might still some minor adjustments be needed in order to make it fit perfectly.

To answer your question: No, there's no automatic way to do this since everyone has different targets and Drawables (most of the time bigger or smaller than the actual object).

With best regards,


Thank you very much for the detailed answer Peter.

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