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Unity/IOS - The app references non-public symbols

Hi, I trying to publish a App and when the upload stages come up, this error shows up on the window:

The app references non-public symbols in Payload/ _TIFFDataWidth, _TIFFFieldDataType, _TIFFFieldName, _TIFFFieldPassCount, _TIFFFieldReadCount, _TIFFFieldTag, _TIFFFieldWithTag, _TIFFGetField, _TIFFGetFieldDefaulted, _TIFFMergeFieldInfo, _TIFFSetField, _TIFFSetTagExtender, __TIFFDataSize, __TIFFfree, __TIFFmalloc With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.11 for id 03e29261-3bdf-495a-af24-d8a330235534

I'm using Unity 2020.3.35f1, with Wikitude SDK 9.6.0, XCode 13.4.1
Trying to with Unity 2020.3.34f1, and/or XCode 13.3.1, same result.

Any help about this?

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