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New View Style (Not Full Screen) & Questions - iOS 13 / SDK 8.9.1


I recently updated to Wikitude Cordova SDK 8.9.1 and using an iPhone 11 with iOS 13 installed.

The Wikitude world used to load full screen on previous iOS and SDK versions.

With the new SDK and iOS 13 the world opens up in a sort of InAppBrowser type of view that can be dismissed by swiping down. Also the app is visible behind it on the top.

Is this the standard way the Wikitude world view is now? As a result of switching to WKWebView? Is there any way to get the completely full screen view back? See attached images. One is how it looks loaded. One is me swiping down to close it.

Did anything in the Cordova/JavaScript API change from 8.5 to 8.9.1? As in, do I have to change anything in my code when update from 8.5 to 8.9.1 in order for it to work properly? I didn't see anything in the docs but wanted to make sure there weren't any changes I need to make on my end. Are there?

Thank you!

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