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Take picture and then position model on that image?

I know that wikitude supports various camera controls but is there a way to take a picture and then after position a 3d model over that image? All I see on the docs is the option to position 3d models using SLAM AR or instant tracking, there is no option to just position a model somewhere on the screen.

Hi Joe,

I am afraid that I do not exactly understand what your use case is. If you simply want to position a model on an image then you could go with our Image Recognition feature.

Could you maybe elaborate a bit further?



I posted a newer question but basically I want to load an image, which I can handle in other ways with ios + cordova but my issue is that after loading that image I want to basically load an object using wikitude without a marker, just the object and have it user positionable then screenshot with the image there.

Basically I would have a userflow as follows:

Take Picture -> Load it onto app -> Have user position 3d model via wikitude -> screenshot screen with object 

Is there any way I can create an object without a tracker, or is a tracker always required?

Hi Joe,

Unfortunately, it is still a bit unclear exactly what you want to achieve. 

If all you want to do is create an object without a tracker then with our Javascript API you could use the feature 'Positionable'. However, this is a plugin that is only available with Javascript API or with Native API. So with Cordova, this is not possible.



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