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Visual Studio for Mac and Wikitude SDK

Do I need Xamarin Studio to compile and build the Wikitude Xamarin SDK and samples, or can I use Visual Studio for Mac. Xamarin now works on Visual Studio for the Mac, so in theory Wikitude SDK should work too?

Hello Robert,

This is answered in the FAQ section here.



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I need to read the device provisioning guidelines for Xamarin as i'm getting an error telling me that there are no installed provisioning profiles which match the installed iOS signed identities. This is my configuration issue now. It's promising to think that it's all going to work once I get my device provisioning sorted.

Robert was able to successfully develop his first app:

"This Xamarin sample works perfectly in Visual Studio 2017 on my PC. I enabled my iPad Pro as a debug device, added my license key, enabled my Mac as the build agent, built in visual studio, debugged and can see my first Augmented Reality surfboard. Wikitude is amazing."


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