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A view can only be associated with at most one view controller at a time

A view can only be associated with at most one view controller at a time

I am using phonegap plugin and wikitude SDK for iOS.


I tap x button which execute:

I call WikitudePlugin.loadARchitectWorld("...");

I AR camera is opened. The AR view has 'done' button at the top. The 'done' button is added by wikitude sdk for iOS.

I tap the 'done' button. As expected the AR camera view closed, so x button is visible again.

I tap x button again, now AR view is failed to open, instead a got this error message:

"A view can only be associated with at most one view controller at time! View <WTArchitectView..."

How to fix this?






try to work with the 'open,close,show,hide' functions, provided by the WikitudePlugin for Phonegap.

Best regards



I managed to fix this myself by directly modifying WTWikitudePlugin.m. 

Now it is solved.

Can you by chance provide the change that you made.  We are running into the same problem.

Thanks - Casey
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